Waste free Week - Week 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week our school will be launching, Waste free Week.

Every day of this week (week 4), we ask that your child’s lunch box is waste free. Ideally, your child’s lunch will only contain items that will be eaten, composted or recycled. By participating in ‘Waste Free Week’, students will have a better understanding of how we can take action to reduce our school’s waste and impact on the environment.

Through our school’s green agents, students will learn how to create a waste- free lunch box. Reusable containers are a handy way to pack a waste-free lunch and make it easy to buy food and drink in bulk (instead of single serve packaging). Fruit and vegetable scraps (e.g. apple cores and banana skins) will be composted at the school through our compost/worm farming system.

The classes with the most amount of Waste Free Lunches for the week will win a mufti day.

Kind regards, 

BPPS Administration

Beauty Point Public School
Address: 17 Medusa Street Mosman NSW 2088
Phone: 02 9969 4260
Email: beautypt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: beautypt-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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